Where are we getting these wacky ideas ?

We have worked in traditional classrooms, charter schools, daycares, camps, Sunday schools and more.

We have become familiar with many different educational philosophies through these experiences, including Montessori, Regio Amelio, Place based Learning, Project based Learning, Dual Language and Total Physical Response methods, as well as Wild Schooling, Forest Schools, and Expeditionary Learning.

We have used our own experiences and our experiences of these philosophies to create a conglomerate working philosophy based on the independence, coordination, focus and self-motivation of Montessori along with the wonder and curiosity of Wild Schooling and Forest Schools, the beauty and focus found in Regio schools, and the community building and challenges found in camps and expeditionary learning, and the interdisciplinary approach of project and place based programs.

Our goal is an individualized educational outdoor experience for your child that will challenge them while engaging their minds and bodies as they have fun and connect with their world and each other.

We can be a bit more structured than some forest and Wild Schools, and a lot more outdoorsy than your typical classroom. It is our whole hearted belief that learning is fun and that children feel better about themselves and the world around them when given the chance to accomplish challenging tasks and to help direct their own learning through play.

We believe every child is an artist, a writer, and adventurer, a questioner and a natural experimental scientist. We help to engage each camper in experiences that will help them to believe and see the very best of all these things in themselves. We want them to really dig into play with each other and with the natural world, and to value these experiences as they grow.

If your child doesn’t come home every day knowing that they can be a genius in countless ways, and excited for the next day, yet tired to the bone, we have not achieved our goals.